North East Survey Design (NESD) was established on the 10th September 2007. The company was established by Matthew Sammon and Nigel Curison and more recently joined by Nick Ritchie all with many years experience in North East Victoria.
The business currently provides services in the following areas:
Civil Engineering
Landscape Architecture
Project Management
Development Consultancy
Development Feasibilities
These services are provided to government institutional and private clients throughout North East Victoria. The organisation currently employs a total of 10 staff with a view to grow over the coming years. Peak demand periods are currently managed utilising sub contractors as required.
Our focus is on developing attractive urban environments through various techniques including Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD), focus on increased open space areas, walking and cycling paths and soft landscaping and incorporating “Best Practice Urban Design” to achieve a higher quality more profitable product for our clients.
“..To provide affordable environmentally sensitive design solutions and produce profitable market leading developments for our clients” We recognise that the community is becoming more environmentally aware, more interested in contributing to protecting our environment and are concerned about the future for the next generation.
Native Vegetation Retention
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)
Rain Gardens
Best practice urban design principles including:
Environmental sensitive design
Energy efficiency
Generous road reserves
Retention / protection of native vegetation
Promotion of recreation and a healthy lifestyle
Walking / cycle paths and connectivity
Landscaped open space
Safety and community surveillance
Large lifestyle sites
Incorporation of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) principles (bioretention basin, rain gardens, vegetated and grassed swales)